Dreamscape is an online Vision Board and Journaling app created using the MERN stack. Dreamscape was built so students, or anyone in general, can create a Vision Board of their goals for the year, and along with those goals write journal entries to keep track of their progress towards those goals.
Github RepoMovie & Beer Roulette
This app was my first group project, working with my classmates in UNC Charlotte's Full Stack Coding Bootcamp we built Movie & Beer Roulette. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We used API calls to generate a random movie and beer, we also utilized local storage to allow users to "like" a movie or beer to save it for later. This app was a lot of fun to work on, while a simple app, the accomplishment felt from seeing things come together was astounding. APIs used: The Movie DB and Punk API
Github RepoGoogle API Book Search
This app was given to students in the Bootcamp using a RESTful api for CRUD operations. As a student, I had to refactor this app to use GraphQL queries and and mutations, to connect with a database using Mongodb to store saved books, and access them later.
Github RepoWeather Dashboard
A simple weather dashboard I built using Open Weather API to see the 5 day forecast for the inputted city.
Github RepoNote Taker
Note taking app built using Express routes to create, read, and delete notes.
Github RepoChatterHub
ChatterHub is the first full stack web app I helped create, this was my second group project in the Full Stack Coding Bootcamp I attended. It was built using the MVC pattern, using Express.js and Node.js to create a RESTful API, along with Sequelize to create the database. During this project, I learned a lot about Express routes, MVC, and working as a team on the different problems we ran into.
Github Repo